"Jésus les accueillit, il leur parlait du royaume de Dieu et il guérissait ceux qui en avaient besoin." Luc 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom


by Patricia Lake

25 October 2024

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But the angel said unto him, “Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John. And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth”.
Luke 1:13-14, KJV

Persevering faith overcomes, no matter what people may say, or present circumstances might dictate. Such faith crosses the natural boundaries of age and time, and reaches into the heavenlies, obtaining what is deemed to be impossible.

It was only when the angel appeared that we discover that Zacharias’ prayers for a son had been faithfully ascending to God, despite the passing decades. The word of the Lord had been sown into good ground in the hearts of Zacharias and Elizabeth, and now, despite the fact that they were now ‘well on in years’, the thieves, known to us as discouragement and disappointment, couldn’t halt the march of their faith in God.

The faith to believe for a son far outweighed the huge reproach that childlessness in their society would have placed on them at that time. Instead, in purity of heart, they continued to serve God and pray, and as a result, they were to discover the truth that nothing is impossible with God.

Suddenly, one, seemingly, ordinary day, when, as usual, he was going about his normal priestly duties, God intervened, and an angel appeared with the wonderful news that Elizabeth would bear a son, and he would be ‘great in the sight of the Lord’ and ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’. Zacharias was so shocked and afraid that, in that moment, he couldn’t believe the angel’s words. For this he was struck dumb, and didn’t speak again until everything the angel had said had come to pass. Up to that point, the stalking disappointment of the years, which would have weighed heavily on their hearts, could easily have caused them to become discouraged and turn away from God, inwardly, even if not externally, eventually robbing them of the huge joy and treasure that God had ahead for them, but which was now within their grasp.

However, come what may, they held on to the Lord throughout the years. Little did they know their persevering faith would result in the child who was destined to be the one who would prepare the way for the Messiah.

Maybe you’ve been praying for something for many years, but it seems like your prayers haven’t been heard, as the answer is delayed. Do these things mean more to us than our relationship with Jesus? Have we lost the awe, the wonder, and the joy of walking with Him? Has disappointment subtly squeezed its way in between us and the Saviour, and caused us to drift away in our hearts from the One who should be our all in all? Who knows what God has in mind in reward for persevering faith and prayers.

Whatever we’re seeking God for today, let not the passage of time cause us to become disillusioned, or to give up, for God will reward us in due time, far beyond our wildest dreams.

Patricia Lake is now Ellel’s Representative in Curacao, in the Dutch West Indies, where she is now living, having served with Ellel Ministries as Peter Horrobin’s Secretary for almost 20 years. Prior to that she was in ministry in her local Pentecostal church in Birmingham, before feeling the call of God to serve in the healing and deliverance ministry at Ellel Grange in the northwest of England.


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