"Jésus les accueillit, il leur parlait du royaume de Dieu et il guérissait ceux qui en avaient besoin." Luc 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Our Defender

by Tanya Person

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
Matthew 16:25, NKJV

I was reading Jeremiah 26. Jeremiah and Urijah were two prophets of the Lord. They were both prophesying the same message from the Lord of the coming destruction of Jerusalem.

Each of them was confronted with people who wanted to kill them because of their message. But as we read in Jeremiah, they had very different responses to this persecution. We can read that when Urijah heard about the plan to kill him, he escaped in fear to Egypt. The king had men go to Egypt, find him, and bring him back to Jerusalem where the king had him killed.

Jeremiah was very different. When all the priest and prophets presented their case against Jeremiah to the officials and the people, Jeremiah stood and said, “Do what you want with me but you will be killing an innocent man”. But a wise old man then stood up for Jeremiah and convinced the officials not to turn Jeremiah over to the mob to be killed. So we see that as Jeremiah was willing to lay down his life, God spared him, but Urijah tried to save his own life, but lost it.

This reminds me of our scripture for today. If we try to protect ourselves we may lose our lives, so we need to trust God as our defender. It can help us if we remember the story of Elisha and his servant when the enemy surrounded them. In 2 Kings 6:16 it says, “Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!” Then Elisha prayed that God would open his servant’s eyes to see the mountains full of angels and chariots.

I would like to encourage you today, if you’re under attack, stand for God and His truth and He’ll deliver you. Look to Him for your salvation! Remember there are more on our side than with the enemy, and our God is greater than any foe who comes against us!

Tanya Person Tanya and her husband, Jim, were missionaries to Hungary for over 18 years. They have worked with Ellel since 2005. After serving in various positions with Ellel in Central and Eastern Europe, God led them back to the United States, where they are now serving with the Ellel USA team. They have a passion to see leaders restored, the church discipled and walking in God’s fullness of life and freedom, and for mentoring the existing and developing team. Tanya also enjoys crocheting and knitting in her free time and has written some children’s picture books.


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