Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Why All This Info


There I will meet with the people of Israel.
Exodus 29:43, ESV

Recently I began a ‘read through the Bible in a year program’. I was getting bogged down in Exodus and then I hit Leviticus. There was so much detail about things that seemed unimportant, the list of the supplies for the tabernacle, and the amount that each tribe gave. What was it to be used for? You’ve probably thought the same thing. Sometimes I think if I had written the Bible, it would be much more user friendly. Maybe I would make it topical, so people could find answers to their problems easier. But I didn’t write the Bible, God did. Good thing.

So, getting back to Exodus, I began to pray and meditate on the verses. As I did, I began to see the point of all the preparation, the list of gold, silver, and precious stones, the craftsmen specially anointed to do the work, the fabric, the animal skins, and the sewing and weaving. It was all to build the tabernacle, and its purpose was to be the place for a holy God to meet with His people. ‘There I will meet with the people of Israel’ (Exodus 29:43).

I began to see it as a bridegroom preparing the bridal chamber. He loves His bride so much that everything has to be perfect. He spends time designing and supervising the construction. Only the finest materials will do. Only the finest workmanship. He spares no expense; nothing is too good or too costly. Because this is an expression of His deep love, it has to be perfect.

So now we turn to the Church. God paid the highest price, His own Son, for us. Jesus entered the Holy of Holies in heaven and sprinkled His own blood on the Mercy Seat so we could come boldly (just as we are) to the throne of grace to find our bridegroom with smiling joyful face and open, loving arms. What a Saviour! What a God!


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