Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Pressing On

by Vicky Munro

I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Philippians 3:14, NLT

I recently was out for a walk with a friend, and it was the first time of me being able to do a proper walk since my surgery. It started on a gentle slope, but it got a bit steeper as we walked, and I quickly became short of breath. I had to stop, and I thought to myself, “I’m not sure I can do this”.

However, as I looked around and saw the beauty of the Lord’s creation, I felt his gentle voice say, “Come on, you can do this”. So, I pressed on. I continued to walk at a steady pace and felt my breathing settle. The reward at the top of this dirt track was a glorious view of different coloured green fields, beautiful trees, windmills gently turning in the wind and warm sunshine.

As the day went on, I began to ponder. Life can be difficult at times, almost to the point of overwhelm. For example, we may have a sick relative, financial issues, or family problems. We can either stop and say, “I can’t do this”, or we can say, “Yes, Lord. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Our Heavenly Father will give us the strength to carry on, to serve Him, as well as get through daily life, which can be difficult at times.

I recently was so overwhelmed that I thought I just can’t take one more thing! However, I was able to talk to some good friends, and also cry out to God, not a long prayer, but simply “Help me”. And He did. I was able to press on, not give up, and keep going.

Can you today cry out to God, “Help me”, and trust Him to do so? God will help you and give you the strength. Press on, run the race, and receive the prize at the end. We are all heaven bound. Oh, what a glorious thing!

You are not alone in this race. We have brothers and sisters in Christ running alongside us. We can support each other and cheer each other on. Come on! Just one more step! Jesus is also with us in every single step. Just stop and reflect on that for a moment.

Press on brothers and sisters, we can do this with Christ who strengthens us.

Vicky Munro Vicky has been a friend of Ellel Scotland for many years and joined the associate ministry team in 2021 after completing explore A and B. She herself has experienced deep healing over the years and desires to come alongside others to experience the same. As a support worker she enjoys working with children and young people part time. A big cat lover, Vicky also loves walking, catching up with friends and eating Deans shortbread!


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