Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Are You Wilting or Blooming?

by Wendy Scott

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever they do prospers.
Psalm 1:3, NIV

At this time of the coronavirus we may not find ourselves where we had planned to be. People were in the process of emigrating or had booked flights overseas for important family functions or holidays. Some people were already overseas and could not get back home. Most of us are settled at home and even blessed to be working from home. Sadly, yet others are home but with no means of putting food on the table, or they have lost loved ones. It has been a very disturbing time in many ways.

The fact remains that, if we are still alive, we need to be producing fruit. I have been blessed to write these devotionals, which give meaning and purpose during this time. However, I have missed the opportunity of being in the UK with my daughter when she was giving birth to my first grandchild, and she has had to cope alone without the comfort of my support, except from a distance in South Africa.

Wherever we may be, our leaves should not be wilting if we are planted by the living streams of the Holy Spirit. We may need to produce different fruit from our usual output in this season, just as different seasons produce different fruit.

I know of old people who are doing shopping for even older people because they saw a need that others did not. They are stepping out of their comfort zones and adapting to the new situation. Instead of holding Bible studies and preaching, they are putting their faith in action, because that is what the Holy Spirit has urged them to do.

Similarly, many pastors are preaching online, as are teachers. People are adapting and continuing to bear fruit, using different means. Counselling happens online or even by telephone. Businesses use Zoom to continue operating. People are using the time at home to study online or to spend quality time with their families. Many children are delighting in the presence of their fathers at home. Family members are appreciating each other afresh when they hear of others having to go through lockdown alone. In addition, hopefully, we are using the opportunity to spend extra quality time with our heavenly Father.

So, whatever our situations, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to refresh our perspectives and to show us what we can produce in this different season. Let’s ask Him how we bring life to others around us, whether at home or by using technology to reach out to others who may desperately need the contact.

Prayer: Thank You, Holy Spirit, that, as long as we remain planted by Your streams, You will reveal ways of life to us where we can produce Your fruit in every season of life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wendy Scott Wendy and her husband Eric have been involved in Ellel Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, since 2016 when they attended the Prayer Ministry Courses and experienced amazing breakthrough at a Healing Retreat. Thereafter they both completed the Modular School. Wendy is currently an associate member of the Ellel KZN team. She is a passionate teacher both by profession and inclination. Her heart is to teach and minister to bring God`s supernatural healing to a hurting world.


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