Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

An Overflow of Giving

by Pam Smith

Though they have been going through much trouble and hard times, they have mixed their wonderful joy with their deep poverty and the result has been an overflow of giving to others.
2 Corinthians 8:2, LB

Whenever you experience the love of Jesus there comes a desire to give. It may not be money but some other good thing that God has given to you. When you’ve been through deep trouble and God has given you strength and hope you want others to know this in their lives. If sadness and heartache has come your way, but you have known the joy that God has brought you in the morning, you will want to share this too.

God does not promise us a ‘rose garden’ on our Christian walk, but the blessings that He gives are more beautiful than roses and of far more lasting value. He promises to never leave us. His presence in our situation is over-shadowing and awesome. He promises us deep joy which gives our hearts the strength to rise up and go on. He promises us an underlying peace in whatever we’re facing, a peace that’s so calming none can understand it. He promises us His Holy Spirit, to fill us with rivers of ‘Living Water’ which revives our human spirit with love and healing – a gift from God the Father. He promises us sweet rest from the daily stress in the world today.

His giving goes on and on and makes us rich. ‘You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus was; though he was so very rich, yet to help you he became so very poor, so that by being poor he could make you rich’ (2 Corinthians 8:9).

How can we keep these blessings to ourselves? Because we’ve received so much we’re compelled, in compassion, to give our time to those who’re hurting.

But, of all our giving, the major part must be an overflow of worship and thanksgiving to the One who gave Himself for our redemption, whose giving is endless.

"Soften my heart Lord, soften my heart,
From all indifference set me apart.
To feel your compassion, to weep with your tears,
Soften my heart, Lord, come soften my heart".
Graham Kendrick

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for filling me with Your deep joy. May it be poured out in compassion as my heart is softened by Your love, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pam Smith has a background in art and nursing, has a son and two daughters and six grandchildren. She has been a friend and helper of Ellel Ministries since l992, and has been involved with Healing Through Creativity Courses. As writer of the Shepherd Love Series, she has a passion for the comfort and encouragement that leads people towards enjoying abundant Life in Jesus.


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