Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
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Image #1002One Day Event

22 Mar

The Power of Forgivenes - God's Master Key

22 March 2025 (Sat) at Ellel Belgium

EXPLORING THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS (EXPLORE A): Forgiveness is a Kingdom principle which is pivotal to the healing ministry of Jesus, so in this course we will explore the damage caused when there is unforgiveness and judgement of others.

Image #1012One Day Event

26 Apr

Overcoming Rejection and Betrayal – Lost and Found

26 April 2025 (Sat) at Ellel Belgium

EXPLORING THE REMEDY FOR REJECTION (EXPLORE A): This course will look at how the first rejection came into the world and how in a Fallen world we can become fixed in our false beliefs about our own acceptability. If we can grasp the truth of who God is and who we really are then our lives will undoubtedly be transformed.

Image #1014One Day Event

24 May

Exposing the Snares of the Enemy 1 - God's Enemy Exposed

24 May 2025 (Sat) at Ellel Belgium

EXPLORING HEALING THROUGH DELIVERANCE (EXPLORE A): In this course we look in detail at what the Bible explains about Satan and the demonic. It brings a fundamental understanding of spiritual warfare and of possible enemy strongholds in a person's life.

Image #1039One Day Event

21 Jun

Healing from Inner Hurt and Pain - Inside Out

21 June 2025 (Sat) at Ellel Belgium

EXPLORE INNER DAMAGE AND HEALING (EXPLORE A): In this course we will investigate how God made each person and how the various parts of our being work together to develop the whole personhood. Together we will explore how the inner being is adversely affected by past experiences and consider some of the possible outworking of inner damage and the associated pain.

Image #1009One day

27 Sep

Restoring the Human Spirit - Knowing Me

27 September 2025 (Sat) at Ellel Belgium

This course follows on from Inside Out and takes us deeper into understanding the functions of the human spirit. The starting point of this course is the understanding that the human spirit is our life source and the core of our identity, so if I want to truly know myself, as God knows me, then my human spirit is the key to this understanding. Our human spirit is formed in us by God. However, life in a less than perfect world has starved our spirit of the nourishment it was created to receive and often this causes disorder between spirit and soul. Exploring the scriptures together we will discover how the functions of the human spirit can be distorted and limited by the circumstances of our past, and how the outworking of these inner conflicts can affect our life today. Jesus is the human spirit Healer so understanding how to open ourselves to His healing touch is an essential element of God’s restorative plan for each of us. He has the healing power for our restoration but we need to grasp the truth of, and enter into, our part in that process.

Image #999One day

18 Oct

Navigating Difficult Relationships - Connected

18 October 2025 (Sat) at Ellel Belgium

Connected Exploring God's Design for Relationship Life consists of relationships! When God made us in His image, He made us relational human beings, created to live in dynamic relationship with both Himself as well as one another. Whilst relationships are intended for mutual blessings, we all know that they also have the potential to bring pain and hurt. Sometimes relationships can get so mixed up that we even lose sight of God’s original purpose for them. How can we find the way back? Jesus modelled perfect relationship to us - both in terms of His relationship with the Father as well as with fellow human beings. But even more so, He provides us with healing for the pain resulting from wrong relationships as well as freedom from entanglement that wrong relationships can bring. The Lord wants to teach us how to find joy and freedom in healthy relationships and how to approach the restoration of shattered ones. This course will help you in finding God’s way forward for your relationships and in receiving healing from wounds inflicted through relationships in the past.

Image #1016One day

15 Nov

Overcoming Fear and Anxiety - Sheltered

15 November 2025 (Sat) at Ellel Belgium

Sheltered Exploring the Antidote to Fear and Anxiety For many of us fear and anxiety are regular companions along our life journey. For some there is a specific fear or anxiety that grips our heart, often linked into a specific trauma or memory. For others anxiety lies at a deeper place of our being, having become entwined into our hearts at an early stage. We often have a misconception of how God views us in our struggles and instead of finding the Lord in our place of need, we find our own ways of coping and controlling our lives to avoid the discomfort and weakness of fear. This course will share how the Lord longs to show us the freedom that is in Him when we can learn to fully trust Him and bring the worries of our heart to Him. Perhaps we have lacked security and safety in our lives and our Father God longs to show us the truth of who He is – our strong shelter, our safe tower, the anchor for our hearts.

Full Calendar of Events

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