Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
TESTIMONIESfor Ellel Nederland
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...
Ellel Nederland
Ellel Nederland
Wichmondseweg 19, 7223 LH Baak, Nederland

Tel:+31 575 441 452

Ellel Netherlands Travel Information


Huize Baak

Huize Baak is situated in Gelderland, The Netherlands, between Zutphen, Doesburg and Hengelo, Geldeland. Its unique and quiet location and beautiful surroundings make it ideal for a couple of days away from the busy-ness of life.


Huize Baak
Wichmondseweg 19
7223 LH Baak
The Netherlands


Travel Directions by Car

From Germany

Drive in the direction of Arnhem and follow the instructions below starting at junction Velperbroek

From Utrecht or Den Bosch

  • From Utrecht follow A12 or from Den Bosch follow A50 towards Arnhem/Zwolle/Apeldoorn.
  • At Arnhem, keep following Zwolle/Apeldoorn, and take the A12 towards Arnhem/Doetinchem/Oberhausen.
  • At junction Velperbroek, take exit 27 towards Zutphen/Arnhem/Velp/Westervoort.
  • At the roundabout, follow Zutphen (A348)
  • After about 11 km, at the end of the road, go right towards Doesburg/Doetinchem (N317) (so don't follow Zutphen here!)
  • After Doesburg (after about 5 km) take the roundabout ¾ of the way, towards Steenderen/Achterdrempt.
  • Keep following this windy road (including going straight at the roundabout, and right at the bike shop in Drempt). At the end of this road go left towards Zutphen/Steenderen.
  • After about 1,6 km you pass through Toldijk.
  • At the roundabout in Toldijk go straight. After about 2,7 km you arrive in Baak.
  • At the roundabout in Baak go right, towards Hengelo Gld. and take the second left.
  • At your right you see a white castle: Huize de Baak.

From Amsterdam

  • From Amsterdam take the A1 towards Apeldoorn/Hengelo.
  • At Apeldoorn take exit Voorst/Zutphen (N345).
  • In Zutphen, at the end of the road (at the traffic lights) go right (not left towards the bridge and Zutphen city centre!)
  • You go over the bridge over the river IJssel
  • After this bridge go right towards Steenderen
  • After about 3 km you arrive in the village of Baak.
  • Take the roundabout in Baak ¾ of the way towards Hengelo Gld and then take the second road on the left.
  • At your right you see a white castle: Huize Baak.


Travel directions by Public Transport


From Schiphol Airport railway station, take the train  to Zutphen railway station. You will need to change trains either ONCE or TWICE, depending on your route. From Zutphen,  take Arriva Bus 82 towards Doetinchem, see below.


Syntus route 82 takes you from Zutphen train station towards Doetinchem. The bus stop at Baak is called ‘Baak-Dorp’. You can pay cash or use a ov-chipcard to pay the fare. It will take you about 20 minutes to get from Zutphen train station to the town of Baak.

When you arrive in Baak, cross the road to the Café Herfkens. walk down the left-hand side of the cafe, past the orange post boxes, and you will be in Wichmondseweg. Walk along for about five minutes, with the big church on your left, and you will see Huize Baak at the end of the road. 

For more information about the bus times:

For more information about the ov-chipcard:


You can also travel from Zutphen train station to Huize Baak by taxi. Call Taxi Berkhout on +31 (0)575 525 345. The cost is 18-20 Euro, for up to four people.

 We hope you will have a very blessed trip!