The Lord has used the Modular school at Ellel USA to totally change not only my life but the lives of my family and He is continuing to change us and restore us. My past was full of pain, things done to me as a child, rejection throughout my childhood and teen years and my physchological diagnosis became my identity and I hated it, I hated myself. I first came to Ellel for Prayer Ministry in 2015 and the Lord healed me of bipolar and depression but I still had deep wounding. I then went through Modular Schools A & B (I’m in C now). It wasn’t always easy dealing with the pain or shame from my past, but I kept pushing forward because it was my past, it was no longer who I was. The team at Ellel has walked with me throughout this whole deep healing process, they have prayed for me, cried with me, laughed and rejoiced with me and mostly they have taught me God’s truths and encouraged me to keep going to Him first. The Father has walked through this whole process with me, and it has definitely been a process! I’m so thankful that I can now keep walking forward in FREEDOM because I know who I am in Christ and I actually know and believe that He loves me. Our children have gotten healing, both emotionally and physically as I’ve gone through Modular School (which in itself makes it all worth it!), my marriage has been healed and restored and now my husband is going through Mod School. I praise God for Ellel and for all He has done!! To GOD be the Glory!