After my marriage ended in divorce, I became a single parent, bringing up two children, living on benefits, in social housing.
One day I received a telephone call, inviting me to church. "No way" I said, "that's not going to help me". That night when I was asleep, I heard my full Christian name being called. I got up, thinking my mother had let herself in the house. I checked, no-one was there, the children were asleep, the house was quiet. I decided I must have dreamed it and went back to bed.
The next morning I couldn't forget hearing my name being called. I decided to go to church after all. I listened to what was being said and was amazed to hear that God calls people by their name. I signed up for an Alpha course and became a 'born-again' Christian.
Throughout my life that followed afterwards, God was always 'with me'. I felt His presence, He confirmed His love for me. During my walk with Him, I became aware that there was a lot of emotional hurt inside me and I was aware of something spiritual that I didn't understand.
Prayer counselling and deliverance began in 1991 at Ellel Grange. Afterwards, my local church continued praying and whilst I was receiving prayer, the work of Satan was demolished and God set me free.
Suddenly, there were opportunities open to me, learning new skills, gaining qualifications, being successful in a part-time job application. God was my 'husbandsman', He showed me the way, He walked with me and, as my confidence grew, He encouraged me to spread my wings.
I now have a full-time job that I really enjoy, an affordable mortgage and a house that, for the first time in my life, is a house that I can now call home; 'homely' - full of warmth, love and contentment. Just as well, because my 2 children went on to have 6 children of their own and each of my grandchildren wishes to stay with me each time they visit!
God literally turned my life around at Ellel Grange and then steered me towards a goal I never, not in a million years, thought I could ever achieve. With Him anything is possible. He blesses me every day; I sing to Him, praise Him and love Him so much that I could burst with excitement each time I think about what He has done for me, for my children and for my grandchildren.
God cleansed my ancestry and made my family's inheritance holy.
Praise God.