TESTIMONIESfor Modular School
My life has two periods: one before and one after Ellel! My life has completely changed - from depression, fear, sorrow and guilt to a new life of joy, hope, restoration and freedom..... Read More...


A series of 6-weekend courses looking into deeper and more complex areas of wounding and investigating significant topics relevant in healing ministry.

The series builds upon the foundation of the EXPLORE programme and is ideal for further equipping and healing. To enrol for the Investigate Series please apply online. After you applied you will get a confirmation from us saying that you are accepted on the Investigate series.

NB: The attendance of EXPLORE programme is not a prerequisite for Investigate series and any person wishing to investigate these key topics can apply.


Click on the picture below to get more information on each course and to book online

God’s Healing for Ethnic Wounding and Reconciliation Fri 20 -Sun 22 March


God’s Truth about Eating, Emotions and Addictions Sat 25- Mon 27 April


Investigating loss and Grief Sat 16 May


God’s Freedom from Ungodly Control – 13-14 June


God’s Healing from the Effects of Abandonment Sat 10 – Sun 11 October

God’s Truth about the Coping Mechanism through Dissociation Sat 5 – Sun 6 Dec