Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
All the teaching was exactly what I I read and listened to Peter's teachings, the Holy Spirit released me from that oppression.. I have realized that prayer is the key..the results of answers to prayer began almost immediately .... Read More...

Ministry Team Training School

This Ministry Team Training School aims to provide an environment that equips Christians to minister more effectively to friends, family or people in their local church. The teaching will cover many of the most common needs encountered in ministry and life and seeks to address the following...

  • How to get to the root of the problem
  • How to minister to those who live with the consequences of fear, trauma, rejection & more
  • How to minister under the anointing of the Holy Spirit
  • How to minister with decency, order, honor and love
  • How to identify and avoid the common pitfalls in ministry
  • How to increase the effectiveness of ministry teams in the local church

The school aims to teach principles for spirit-led ministry rather than techniques and will share from 25 years of experience ministering to people from around the world with lasting fruit. Mixed with the teaching will be practical workshops for case-studies as well as Q&A times, demonstration ministry and practical hands-on ministry experience.

Who is the School for?

  • Those who have a heart for seeing the healing love of Jesus ministered to those in need.
  • People interested in finding out more about what it means to be involved in a ministry team.
  • Those already involved in a ministry team, altar team or small group,  but would like further training in how to minister to those in need.
  • Those who see needs in their family or friends but do not know how to pray effectively for them.

The school will be split into three parts:

  • Part A will focus on some foundational teachings and will provide a solid framework of guidelines for ministry. Key steps in the healing process will also be identified.
  • Part B will look at a number of specific issues that are commonly encountered in ministry. Each session will include approximately 30 minutes of teaching and 30 minutes of group work. The teaching will focus on 'how to minister' and the group work will give opportunity to enhance the teaching through practical assignments. There will also be question and answer times during this segment.
  • Part C will provide an opportunity to both give and receive personal ministry under the guidance of our trained ministry team allowing students to put into practice the principles learned.

The main topics covered on this school will include...

Understanding healing needs

  • The purpose of healing
  • The healing needs of mankind
  • Ministering to the roots of problems rather than the symptoms

Effective prayer ministry

  • Ministering under the anointing of the Holy Spirit
  • Qualities of a ministry team member
  • Guidelines for ministry
  • The importance of discernment
  • Pitfalls to avoid

Key Steps in the Healing Process

  • Making Jesus Lord of everything
  • Identifying wrong beliefs
  • Forgiving from the heart
  • Releasing damaged emotions
  • Healing for the human spirit
  • Handling deliverance issues
  • Dealing with generational sin
  • Breaking ungodly relationship ties

Ministering into specific needs

  • Restoration from failure
  • Rejection and low self esteem
  • Lives controlled by fear
  • Ministering into traumatic events
  • Consequences of occult involvement
  • Lives controlled by addictive behavior

Been on this course? Share your testimony

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