Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
Two Day Event

26 - 27 July 2024
(Fri - Sat)


Ellel USA

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Living in My God-Given Identity (Explore B7)

Exploring Our God-Given Identity

Who am I? This unspoken question is rooted deep in the heart of many of us, but searching for an answer may have taken us down wrong paths. God says He made us and knows us personally and intimately, so how is it that we don’t truly know ourselves.

We live in days when the world makes demands on us. Demands that we conform, that we fit in, that we bend our self to fit into a relationship or that we fulfil what is needed. We may feel we are totally unacceptable as we are. In the midst of these pressures it is easy for us to acquis to demands and to subconsciously hide something of our own unique personhood.

God made each of us different, we are unique and He loves and affirms each one of us. But, who we think we are, is it really the truth? Have we lost our true identity by capitulating to others ideas?

With God’s help, this course seeks to help us find the truth of who He made us to be, discard our false identities and find an abiding, confident and personal certainty that we are loved, forgiven and accepted by God.

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Event Details

Hybrid Event

We are now offering the Explore course in both a live and an online context. Please be sure that you choose the correct option when booking so that we know if you will be in person or on Zoom.


Registration/Check-in (Friday): 5.45 pm

Daily Teaching Schedule:

  • Friday: 6.15 pm - 9.00 pm
  • Saturday: 9.00 am - 8.00 pm

Meals for those attending in person

Lunch and dinner are provided for Saturday but no special dietary needs can be accommodated. Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunch but we cannot provide refrigeration or heating of food for meals brought by attendees.


This event is not suitable for children and no childcare is provided.

Overnight Accommodations

Guests attending from outside the area, please click HERE for a list of available local accommodation options. These suggestions are provided as a courtesy only and Ellel USA makes no representations and takes no responsibility for any arrangements attendees make for overnight accommodations.

Regional Restrictions

  • Only those within the United States, Central and South America and the Caribbean may attend this event (without special permission - please email
Further information for those attending online:

Technical Requirements

  • A smart phone, iPad/tablet, laptop or PC equipped with a microphone and camera
  • Zoom application downloaded to the device (you may create an account on Zoom, however, you are not required to create an account in order to log on to this event -- you must have the zoom application on your device, however). We suggest that if you have multiple devices, you download Zoom on all of them so you have an alternative in case one device does not work. Click Here to go to Zoom's website and download the Zoom application for a PC or go to the App store for your device.
  • Test you camera and microphone before the event

Meeting Environment

  • Participants must have a private location where they can be online without disturbance.
  • Multiple attendees may participate from the same device, however, please note in your registration the names and ages (see age restriction above) of each participant (in the "notes" field) when you are registering.


Any materials for this event, along with the meeting credentials (link, meeting ID and password) will be provided via email after you register and before the event. Please do not share these with others. Each person seeking to connect a device, must complete their own registration.

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