Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The Lord used the Modular school at Ellel USA to totally change not only my life but the lives of my family .... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

New Discoveries

by Gemma Gardner

11 February 2023

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“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.  These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.”
Isaiah 42:16, NIV

All through our lives we never stop learning new things and discovering things that have been around for ages.

A few days ago, my husband was working online and he came across a website he had not seen before. It was an internet digital library. It contains millions of books of all kinds that can be read online. But, even more amazing, it’s free.

Dean discovered a Christian book on there that he is reading in print. I had said I would like to read that book too, but it wasn’t available to download on to my kindle. Dean registered with the library and offered to register me on my kindle, so I could access books.

But I am rather like the ten spies who went to spy out the Promised Land and came back with a negative report. I thought I wouldn’t be able to understand how to use the digital library. So, I responded negatively to Dean’s suggestion.

However, he persuaded me. And guess what? I was able to understand it and read the book I wanted. Also, I could even listen to it being read.

Our text today says the Lord will lead the blind on unfamiliar paths. I believe we are all blind in one sense. We need the Lord to guide us in our planning and decisions.

Most people want to feel comfortable and secure. Some are more adventurous than others and love a challenge. Isn’t it good that the Lord knows each of us individually and knows what we are capable of, and, also, what would crush us. He is gentle and humble and knows what is best.

The ten spies didn’t respond to Joshua and Caleb’s encouragement to go into the Promised Land, and as a result, they lost their opportunity. May that not be true of you or me!

Gemma Gardner lives in Norfolk with her husband, Dean, who until recently worked at Ellel Grange. They are both part of the Associate Ministry team which Gemma joined after completing the Modular school. Gemma has experienced the Lord`s healing and restoration over many years and longs to see Him healing other broken people. Gemma loves listening to music, cooking, knitting and crochet as well as outdoor exercise. She enjoys playing guitar and singing worship songs.


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