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Seeds of the Kingdom

A Total Wreck

by Ken Rowat

4 September 2020

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The LORD will help them when they are sick and will restore them to health.
Psalm 41:3,GNT

There is a story of a young boy, during the last years of the war. He walked past a large waterlogged area in the woods in Russia and noticed a certain place where he saw bubbles rising to the surface of the water. He also noticed what seemed like tracks leading to the water’s edge.

It was fifty years later before that young boy, now a grown man, became interested once more in the pond and the tracks in the forest. He spoke to a number of people who were interested to discover what could be hidden under the water. After many days of investigation into the mystery, and lots of hard work, a World War 2 tank was discovered in the mud and brought to the surface.

It was a Russian T-34 tank which had been driven into a swampy grave, and a large group of enthusiasts took many hours to restore it. The engine of the tank was so well preserved that, after a short time, they were even able to start it. Today that tank is in the museum, totally restored to its former glory.

What can we learn from this story? People can restore an old tank which has been through the war, but a loving God can restore a human being who has been through the wars of life. Our God is an expert in restoring people. The conflicts of life may have driven you to be completely submerged by adverse circumstances like the tank, or you may just feel as if your life is a wreck. But the amazing truth is that God can restore any life which is given to Him.

It is not difficult to start the process. Just ask Him to help you. Face the fact that you need His care, as we all do. He is the creator. Your life was on God’s drawing board before you were born. He knows how to put you and me back together. Here is a prayer you may like to pray.

Prayer: Lord, You know all the things that have damaged me during my life. I realise that I need restoration and You know exactly what I need. I ask You to please put Your restoration plan into action for me. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ken Rowat Ken has been married to Joy for 46 years and they have 4 married children, 11 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. In 2010 they attended the NETS training at Pierrepont, then were at Ellel Shere House for further training. Ken and Joy were involved with the running of Telefriend, a Christian counselling ministry in Durban, South Africa for 19 years. They have both been Directors of Ellel KZN since 2013.


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