Healing from Inner Hurt and Pain - Inside Out

Exploring Inner Damage and Healing

God is our Creator and Designer. He knows each person individually and loves each one unconditionally. But despite His great love, living in a Fallen world has often led to circumstances which have damaged and distorted the working of our inner being. When we are affected in this way we will often reflect, in our lifestyle, the turmoil on the inside.

In this course we will investigate how God made each person and how the various parts of our being work together to develop the whole personhood. Together we will explore how the inner being is adversely affected by past experiences and consider some of the possible outworking of inner damage and the associated pain.

As our Maker, God has the perfect restoration plan for each precious one of His children. This course will explain both how to untangle some of the causes and effects of inner damage and how to apply God’s truth and His restorative love and power into the lives of those who need inner healing.