Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
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Seeds of the Kingdom

My God Guides My Footsteps.

by Sue Dare

19 September 2014

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Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV

I don’t know about you, but I’m a planner. Those who know me well will say that is the understatement of the year!! I’m constantly writing lists and checking my diary, as personality-wise I like order, some predictability, and for life to run smoothly.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, except for the times where God allows my plans to be interrupted because He has other things in mind. This happened to me recently. I had a friend visiting on her way to Romania and we’d planned to spend the day sightseeing in Budapest. I had it all mapped out in my head. We would start at Heroes Square, visit another historical site close by known as Vajdahunyad Castle, stroll through the park and perhaps end up crossing the chain bridge, to admire Budapest at night.

Doesn’t it sound romantic and a good plan? None of that was to happen though, because a summer storm came through and dampened my schedule. It rained, and rained, and rained. Not at all part of my plan, but no surprise to God. My friend was not perturbed at all and had already sensed that God had something else in mind for us both that particular day. I, on the other hand, had no idea!

We ended up having a rich time of fellowship together, where God used my friend to speak into my life. That probably would not have happened if we’d gone out sightseeing. My original plan wasn’t a bad one, but God’s plan was far better.

Will you allow God to direct your steps today? Your day may turn out differently to how you planned, but God will be there, in the midst of it, orchestrating behind the scenes. What we sometimes see as inconveniences and frustrating turns of events are actually divine interruptions, if we have eyes to see.

Prayer: Father God, I commit this day to You. I give You permission to divinely interrupt my plans if You have something else in mind. Thank You that I can trust You to direct my steps and bring about Your purposes for my life. Amen.

Sue Dare works with the the CEED team based at Ellel Hungary, having previously been part of the Ellel Grange team. Her desire is to see people healed, restored & discipled, so they can go on to fulfil their God given potential.


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