My name is Sylvia and I attended 5 months of Modular A in 2008 to deal with some unresolved relationship struggles and emotional wounding in my life. I was a regular church goer on Sundays up until that point. Each time I attended a weekend there, I would run into conflict with a pastor there who told me he believed God wanted me to change my career. I was a pilates teacher running a successful business at the time in London. I thought he was nuts! But slowly, as I was encouraged to keep coming, I realised that the 'career' change was in fact God moving swiftly and strongly in my life, bringing deliverance and healing and calling me into deeper relationship with Him.
Where God's people gather in His presence there is power and change. So many people spoke into my life at Ellel who were also there for healing and deliverance. God spoke through every one of them, not just the staff!!
At the persistence of a German friend from Ellel, God led me to attend Spring Harvest festival in 2009 and there I encountered the Holy Spirit in power and the call of God in my life to move to Vancouver BC to pursue a year-long full time urban mission training program with the Salvation Army, working in a prostituted, addicted region of the downtown eastside. My life was turned upside down and I died a million deaths from what I experienced. I met Jesus in the alleyways at night-time with the many addicted people who live there. My life turned a complete 360 degrees.
After the year I came back to London, sold my business and returned to Canada, serving in Edmonton for the following two years in urban mission, working on the front-line with the homeless and doing outreach on the streets of Edmonton Alberta, working directly with trafficked and prostituted women. God has called me to train as a Salvation Army Officer and by His grace I will be returning this month to pursue that call on my life.
We simply must take heed of His Word, stay in it, press in and know that without being a praying people (every day for more than an hour), nothing is possible. Ellel Ministries were instrumental in my healing and making it possible for God to lead me into what He had planned all along. I will forever be indebted to the persistent pastor who never gave up on me and my stubbornness! Thank you John!
Blessings to Ellel. Keep going!
Much grace and shalom,