Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

The Format of EXPLORE

What does an EXPLORE course look like?

Each of the EXPLORE courses covers a specific topic such as dealing with our emotions, exploring our God-given identity, healing for accidents and traumas, exploring our beliefs and behaviours or recognising and avoiding deception. There is time for worship, fellowship, practical Bible teaching, personal reflection and group discussion based on the EXPLORE booklets. Prayer ministry is also offered.

Throughout 2024, an EXPLORE B course will be held in the Brussels area one Saturday per month in English. 

For details of the specific content and date of each course and to register please contact


The wonderful thing about EXPLORE is that God doesn’t just work during the events themselves but continues His work during the time in-between. The EXPLORE notes booklets will also include a journal with activities, questions, worksheets and scriptures all designed to help you continue to grow and receive from the Lord in your own time.

…So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10


Testimonies of 2 students who completed the 2 year Explore course in Brussels in 2023:

  • 'The two years spent with Ellel Belgium are amongst the best years of my life. I also came to know another dimension of Father - the Father who is involved in the life of His son: involved in all areas even in his emotions.' L.N.
  • 'For me Ellel was not only a healing school but also a time when I discovered God. When I started Ellel I was still suffering from depression and God allowed everything that I had been trailing in my life to be expxosed in order to bring restoration. This was not easy for me as I didn't want to re-live those times again. But it was beneficial. Today I feel restored and free. I am looking forward to my next adventures.' KC