I came to Blairmore House numb and cold, exhausted by the pressures of ministry and dry by people’s demands. I was desperate for space and rest.
My time here was an outworking of Psalm 23. The Lord led me to Blairmore and put me in the beautiful house and grounds to rest and be loved back into life. The loving care of all who looked after me renewed my strength and the times of prayer, teaching and ministry set me back on the right path.
Sometimes the issues to face were difficult and a bit scary but the Lord’s security and love were so evident that I had the courage to go on. The wonderful food and every detail of care made me feel like royalty. I dared to believe that God loved me for myself and that He had lavished all this upon me. I came away with hope restored and certain knowledge that God’s goodness and love will pursue me for the rest of my days.